Type in this field the name of script to run when the custom command is launched.
.Topic 1315
Click this button to select the static picture that will be used for this picture area.
.Topic 1038
Select this option to build a simple HTML file with the list of the pictures.
.Topic 1039
Select this option to build a set of HTML files showing the thumbnails of the pictures.
Note: To use this option, you should save the thumbnails first.
.Topic 1042
Select this option to build a HTML file containing two frames: A narrow one on the left is like a vertical film and the second is used to display the pictures.
Note: To use this option, you should save the thumbnails first.
.Topic 1228
Select this option to build a HTML file containing the list of the pictures with the pictures themselves in the page.
.Topic 1413
Enter in this field the number of rows the generated layout will have.
.Topic 1161
Click this button to select the HTML bullet file.
.Topic 1247
This list displays the macro pertaining to the current picture.
.Topic 1376
Click this button to remove the selected item from the list.
.Topic 1313
Type in this field the name of the bitmap to add to the converted pictures.
.Topic 1029
Name of the keyword to create or new name when renaming a keyword
.Topic 1379
Select this option to prepend (add at the beginning) the text to the thumbnails file name.
.Topic 1333
If checked, the mouse cursor will disappear after the specified delay during a slideshow.
Moving the mouse will show the cursor again.
.Topic 1030
Press this button to create a new keyword
.Topic 1222
Click this button to start the processing.
.Topic 1170
When checked, the filename of each picture will be listed in the HTML page or the contact sheet.
.Topic 1034
Size of a slide in pixels (should be larger than the thumbnail size)
.Topic 1307
Add a rubberstamp (superimposition) to the converted picture.
.Topic 1037
Select this option to export the current album as a simple list in a text file.
.Topic 1364
Click this button to update the selected column.
.Topic 1133
If checked, the slideshow will wait for videos to end before advancing to the next picture.
.Topic 1337
Use this spin button to select the joystick you want to use (if you have more than one joysticks connected).
.Topic 1054
Select this option to build a simple list of only the file names of the pictures.
.Topic 1453
Use this field to select the width of the pen use to draw the current shape. The value 0 will use the narrowest possible line.
.Topic 1028
List of the keywords that are defined in this album.
.Topic 1323
Click this button to access the online secure payment web site and support the MyAlbum project.
You must have an Internet access to use this feature.
.Topic 1179
Click this button to select the application that will be used for editing a picture.
.Topic 1446
Choose this option to let MyAlbum use all the monitors to display the pictures in full-screen mode.
.Topic 1109
Default size of a thumbnail in pixels (bounding rectangle)
.Topic 1387
Click this button to select the Display String used for picture info text (at the right of the Info button)..
.Topic 1110
Default size of a slide in pixels (should be larger than the thumbnail size)
.Topic 1456
Click this button to build the new name Display String.
.Topic 1292
Select this option to associate a JScript script to the custom tool command.
.Topic 1346
Select in this list the position on the screen where the comment will be displayed.
.Topic 1136
Press this button to select the text color of the comment.
.Topic 1055
This area displays the actual pathname of the current picture as it is stored in the album
.Topic 1008
Name of the album
.Topic 1171
When checked, the comment of each picture will be listed in the HTML page or the contact sheet.
.Topic 1207
Click this button to delete the selected custom field.
.Topic 1045
This field specifies the destination folder where the exported files will be created.
Please note that existing files in this folder may be overwritten.
.Topic 1381
Press this button to select the display string used for printing the thumbnail caption.
.Topic 1285
Click this button to remove the selected custom command.
.Topic 1060
Click this button to modify only the pictures that have the same pathname
.Topic 1005
Display the previous or the next picture
.Topic 1040
Select this option to build a detailed list: album information and for each picture, its name, comment, keywords and custom fields.
.Topic 1410
When checked, the texts are printed using a transparent background.
.Topic 1260
When checked, a tool-tip will be added to the displayed thumbnails. The specified display string will be used.
.Topic 1172
Click this button to select the font that will be used to write the album title in the contact sheets.
.Topic 1173
Click this button to select the font that will be used to write the comments in the contact sheets.
.Topic 1022
Search the album for pictures having the specified text in their comment
.Topic 1319
Click this open your Web browser on the MyAlbum home page.
You must have an Internet access to use this feature.
.Topic 1036
Specify in this field the name of the list file that will be generated.
.Topic 1332
Click this button to remove the selected file(s) from the list.
.Topic 1445
This field displays the number of monitors connected to the computer.
If it is 1, no settings are editable in this screen.
.Topic 1076
This area displays information about the operation being processed
.Topic 1447
Choose this option to instruct MyAlbum to use only the selected monitor when displaying pictures in full-screen mode.
.Topic 1113
Click this button to check if a new version of MyAlbum is avalaible.
You must have an Internet access to use this feature.
.Topic 1048
Select this option to export the current album as contact sheets bitmap files.
.Topic 1079
If unchecked, existing files in the target directory will be overwritten.
If checked these files will be preserved.
.Topic 1141
Checked if picture is flagged (small red X on the thumbnail).
Use this checkbox to put or remove the flag on the picture.
.Topic 1253
This edit window contains the script to be executed.
You can load a script with the Load button or edit the script directly.
.Topic 1430
Enter in this field the height of the selected area.
Dimensions are expressed in millimeters or inches depending on the measure system selected in Windows.
.Topic 1359
Use this field to define the title (header) of the column.
.Topic 1044
Size of the top margin in millimeters
.Topic 1329
Select this option to publish the selected pictures of the album and the HTML files generated when using the "Export Album" command.
.Topic 1336
Use this spin button to select the joystick you want to use (if you have more than one joysticks connected).
.Topic 1377
Click this button to rename the selected item in the list.
.Topic 1330
This list displays the files that will be published on the Web.
.Topic 1167
Select this option to include the whole comment of the picture.
If this comment is too long, it may be covered by the following pictures.
.Topic 1221
Select in this drop-down list the templates you want to use for automatically creating the custom fields for the new albums.
.Topic 1308
Position of the stamp from the left border (use negative values to specify a position relative to the right border).
.Topic 1309
Position of the stamp from the top border (use negative values to specify a position relative to the bottom border).
.Topic 1386
Check this option to used swapped sizes for resizing "portrait" pictures.
For instance a 768x1024 picture will be resized to 480x640 instead of 360x480.
.Topic 1162
When selected, MyAlbum will use a built in file for the HTML bullet image.
.Topic 1429
Enter in this field the width of the selected area.
Dimensions are expressed in millimeters or inches depending on the measure system selected in Windows.
.Topic 1199
When checked, an HTML client-side map is generated for each of the contact sheets.
The map is embedded in a HTML file.
.Topic 1294
This field displays the name and file name of the selected MAX.
.Topic 1104
Description of the album
.Topic 1268
When checked, the filename of the picture will be displayed using the specified display string.
.Topic 1046
Select this option to export the thumbnails of the current album in individual files.
.Topic 1083
When checked, the joystick (if present) will be used during a slideshow (default setting):
- Pan the picture with the stick,
- Button 1: Next picture,
- Button 2: Previous picture,
- Both buttons: Quit slideshow,
- Button 3: Zoom in,
- Button 4: Zoom out,
- Both 3 and 4: Smart viewing.
.Topic 1347
Click this button to select the Display String used for the full-comment.
.Topic 1270
Click this button to select the display string for the picture filename.
.Topic 1321
Click this button to select the Display String used for the picture comment in full-screen mode.
.Topic 1153
Use this edit field to specify the image file that will be used for the list in the HTML files.
.Topic 1451
Select in the list the type of geometric shape to draw.
.Topic 1128
When checked and during a slideshow, errors will be ignored.
If unchecked, the slideshow will stop when a missing or damaged file is detected.
.Topic 1259
Type in this field the filename of the script to edit and execute.
.Topic 1378
Select this option to append the text to the thumbnails file name.
.Topic 1208
Click this button to rename an existing custom field.
Select the custom field in the list, type its new name and click the button.
.Topic 1334
Number of seconds before the mouse cursor will be hidden in slideshow mode.
.Topic 1306
Select the graphic type for the saved pictures.
When using combined types (JPEG/GIF and JPEG/PNG), the first type is used for full color pictures
and the second for pictures with 256 colors or less.
.Topic 1312
Select this option to add a bitmap to the converted pictures.
.Topic 1182
File version of the album
.Topic 1117
In multiple display mode, pictures are displayed from top to bottom, left to right
.Topic 1291
Select this option to associate a VBScript script to the custom tool command.
.Topic 1295
Check this option to find the pictures that have all the selected keywords and only these ones.
.Topic 1031
Press this button to delete the selected keyword
.Topic 1092
Sub-folder level to reconstruct in the target folder.
This option is useful for recreating, for the converted pictures, the same folder structure as the original pictures.
For instance, if the original file is c:\Photo\Holidays\Greece\Boat.jpg, the target folder is f:\Backup and the sub-folder level is 2.
Then the converted/resized picture or the exported thumbnail will be saved in the f:\Backup\Holidays\Greece\Boat.bmp file.
.Topic 1206
Click this button to create a new custom field (type in its name first).
.Topic 1415
Click this button to generate a standard sheet layout based on the selected parameters.
Caution: Using this button will reset the current layout and build a new one based on the new parameters values.
.Topic 1001
Color depth of the current picture (number of bits per pixel).
Videos: duration in seconds.
.Topic 1130
Click this button to select the background color of the selected thumbnails.
.Topic 1192
Press this button to select the font used for footer of the page
.Topic 1214
This field displays the description of the selected MAX.
.Topic 1297
Click this button to print the poster using the current settings.
.Topic 1156
This field specifies the spacing between two adjacent thumbnails in a HTML page or in a contact sheet.
.Topic 1390
When checked the Album Viewer will start the slideshow automatically after loading the album.
.Topic 1278
Move the selected item in the list up or down.
.Topic 1118
In multiple display mode, pictures are displayed at a random position without overlapping others
.Topic 1165
Command to play sound when the picture is displayed.
You can drag 'n drop a sound or script files to this field.
See the Play Command syntax in the Reference section of the help.
.Topic 1176
When checked, progressive encoding is used when saving JPEG file.
.Topic 1108
When checked, the current screen saved is disabled when a picture is displayed
.Topic 1310
Click this button to select the text to add a text to the converted pictures.
.Topic 1265
Save the trace in a text file (ScriptTrace.log file).
Tip: Press the Ctrl key to copy the trace to the Clipboard.
.Topic 1438
Enter in this field the physical width of the sheet layout.
Dimensions are expressed in millimeters or inches depending on the measure system selected in Windows.
.Topic 1129
Click this button to select the background color of the thumbnails.
.Topic 1422
Click this button to select the font and the color to be used for the page title.
.Topic 1303
When checked, interlacing is used when saving GIF file.
.Topic 1289
Click this button to select the script to associate to the custom command.
.Topic 1087
Number of pictures in a row in multiple display mode
.Topic 1088
Number of pictures in a column in multiple display mode
.Topic 1218
Click this button to add a list of predefined custom fields based on the selected template.
.Topic 1160
Click this button to choose more settings for customizing HTML and Contact sheet export.
.Topic 1358
This list displays the columns that are currently defined for the List View.
.Topic 1004
Size in bytes of the current picture file
.Topic 1280
Press this button to select the display string used for printing the footer of the page.
.Topic 1019
When checked, MyAlbum will use the actual path of the current album to locate the pictures.
Useful for putting an album on a CD-Rom.
The pictures should be located in subfolders of the folder the album is located.
.Topic 1293
Type in this field the script to run when the custom command is launched.
.Topic 1105
Displays the help on the current dialog box.
.Topic 1015
The first line of then comment of the picture is displayed at the bottom of the screen during the viewing of a picture
.Topic 1016
The file name of the picture is displayed at the bottom of the screen during the viewing of a picture
.Topic 1093
Size of the vertical inner margin in millimeters.
.Topic 1157
Select this option to include all the pictures of the album in the process.
.Topic 1252
When checked, the sub-title of the page will be displayed using the specified display string.
.Topic 1282
Use this field to select the keyboard shortcut to be used for starting the custom command.
.Topic 1071
Select this option to resize the picture to fit in a 1024x768 rectangle
.Topic 1041
Size in millimeters of a slide when printed
.Topic 1255
Click this button to start executing the script in the editor.
.Topic 1220
This list displays the custom fields that are define within the current album.
.Topic 1435
When checked, the picture used in the previous picture area will be used again.
.Topic 1194
Select this option to resize the picture to fit in a 1152x870 rectangle
.Topic 1389
Resizing mode used for shrinking / enlarging the pictures and generating the thumbnails.
Use HALFTONE for most pictures and BLACKONWHITE or WHITEONBLACK for some B&W pictures and drawings.
COLORONCOLOR is faster but quality is decreased.
.Topic 1271
When checked, script engine is closed when finished.
If unchecked, the script engine stays open.
.Topic 1077
Select this option to resize the picture to fit in a 1280x1024 rectangle
.Topic 1405
Select in the list the script language to use.
.Topic 1360
Use this field to define width of the column.
.Topic 1264
When checked, the footer of the page will be displayed using the specified display string.
.Topic 1371
Click this button to add files that will be published on the Web.
.Topic 1286
Click this button to modify the selected custom command.
.Topic 1315
Click this button to select the bitmap.
.Topic 1190
Click this button to select the background color of the HTML pages and contact sheets.
.Topic 1428
Enter in this field the vertical position of the selected area from the top border of the sheet.
Positions are expressed in millimeters or inches depending on the measure system selected in Windows.
.Topic 1212
Click this button to add a MAX.
.Topic 1082
URL attached to the current picture
.Topic 1131
Click this button to select the text color of the current thumbnail.
.Topic 1072
Select this option to resize the picture to fit in a user defined rectangle
.Topic 1056
Select this option to build a standard list: album information and for each picture, its name and comment.
.Topic 1195
Select this option to resize the picture to fit in a 1600x1200 rectangle
.Topic 1261
Click this button to select the script to load in the editor.
.Topic 1073
Select this option for leaving the picture size unchanged.
.Topic 1357
Click this button to delete the selected column.
.Topic 1362
Click this button to build the column's Display String.
.Topic 1106
Use this slider to select the number of paper sheet in a row
.Topic 1062
Click this button to preview the poster before printing it.
.Topic 1311
Select this option to add a text to the converted pictures.
.Topic 1123
Adjust this slider to modify the threshold.
To be considered as equivalent, two pixels must not differ by more than this value.
.Topic 1006
Number of the current picture in the album
.Topic 1112
Multiple display
.Topic 1226
Select the minimum number of digits when giving a number to the pictures. Zeroes are added to the left of the number if needed.
.Topic 1342
When checked, the keywords are sorted and cannot be rearranged.
When unchecked, the keywords can be in any order you like.
.Topic 1052
Select this option to build a CSV file (comma separated values, compatible with spreadsheet and database applications) containing the following columns: name, width, height, color depth, comment and the custom fields.
.Topic 1200
Enter in this field the size, in pixels, of the thumbnails in the contact sheet.
.Topic 1168
Enter in this field the maximum number of thumbnails to include in a film strip (Two frame page HTML page type).
Film strips are linked to each others with "Next" and "Previous" buttons.
.Topic 1326
Value of the brightness correction for the pictures of the current album.
Zero is for no correction.
.Topic 1025
String to find in the picture file name
.Topic 1142
Start the search for pictures similar to the selected picture.
.Topic 1217
Click this button to open the setup dialog box of the selected MAX.
Not all MAX have a setup dialog box.
.Topic 1251
Click this button to select the display string for the page title.
.Topic 1149
This entry field specifies the number of thumbnails to put in a column when building HTML page or contact sheet.
.Topic 1148
This entry field specifies the number of thumbnails to put in a row when building HTML page or contact sheet.
.Topic 1114
When checked, the slideshow will run automatically.
.Topic 1186
With this option selected, all the matching pictures will be displayed in a new window.
.Topic 1068
Select this option to resize the picture to fit in a 320x200 rectangle
.Topic 1209
List of the custom fields for the current picture.
Click on one of them to define its value.
Press Enter to validate the value or Esc to cancel.
.Topic 1317
Click this button to write an email to the author of MyAlbum.
You must have an Internet access to use this feature.
.Topic 1244
This field displays the result of the display string when the Test button is pressed.
.Topic 1448
This list shows the monitors connected to the computer along with their resolutions.
Select the monitor you want to use in full-screen mode.
.Topic 1423
Click this button to build the Display String for the page footer.
.Topic 1426
Click this button to select the font and the color to be used for the picture information text.
Note: when used on shape areas, only the color information will be used.
.Topic 1069
Select this option to resize the picture to fit in a 640x480 rectangle
.Topic 1074
Maximum width of the picture after resizing (aspect ration is preserved)
.Topic 1075
Maximum height of the picture after resizing (aspect ration is preserved)
.Topic 1096
Number of pixels the picture is moved when using the arrow keys
.Topic 1418
When checked, the pictures may be rotated by 90░ to better use the available space in the corresponding picture area.
.Topic 1205
Type in this field the name you want to give to a new custom field.
.Topic 1185
With this option selected, all the matching pictures will be selected.
.Topic 1219
Click this button to create a new set based on the current set of custom fields.
.Topic 1070
Select this option to resize the picture to fit in a 800x600 rectangle
.Topic 1163
Click this button to select the HTML background file.
.Topic 1248
This list displays the macro pertaining to the custom fields.
.Topic 1033
Full pathname of the application that will be used for editing a picture.
.Topic 1181
This field specifies the height of the contact sheets in pixels.
.Topic 1180
This field specifies the width of the contact sheets in pixels.
.Topic 1189
This list displays the MAX files that are currently loaded and will be automatically loaded when the MyAlbum application is started.
.Topic 1111
Press this button to select the font used for printing the title of the page
.Topic 1391
When checked the Album Viewer will terminate when leaving the full-screen mode (either picture viewing and slideshow).
.Topic 1050
Enter in this field the text that will be added at the beginning of the contact sheet files.
.Topic 1414
Enter in this field the number of columns the generated layout will have.
.Topic 1191
Click this button to select the text color of the HTML pages and contact sheets.
.Topic 1057
Path of the target directory where the converted pictures will be stored
.Topic 1339
Select in this list the command you want to use with your joystick.
.Topic 1225
Select the starting number the first picture of the set will receive.
.Topic 1103
Size of the horizontal inner margin in millimeters
.Topic 1158
Select this option to include all the selected pictures of the album in the process.
.Topic 1119
In multiple display mode, pictures are displayed at a random position, overlapping others
.Topic 1304
When checked, interlacing is used when saving PNG file.
.Topic 1257
This list shows the trace generated by the execution of the script.
Compilation and run-time errors are also displayed here.
.Topic 1455
Select this option to use the advanced rename mode.
The standard mode use a simple base name and a number to rename the pictures.
The advanced mode use a Display String to build the new names of the pictures to be renamed.
.Topic 1066
List of the file types that MyAlbum can display
.Topic 1026
Select a matching case find or not
.Topic 1299
Use this edit field to specify the image file that will be used as background for the Two frame page HTML files.
.Topic 1135
Press this button to select the background color of the comment.
.Topic 1139
When checked, the comment uses a transparent background (the background color is then ignored).
.Topic 1102
Size of the bottom margin in millimeters
.Topic 1184
With this option selected, only the first matching picture will be selected.
Use "Find Next" (F3) to find the next matching pictures.
.Topic 1147
This list displays the macro pertaining to the filename of the current picture.
.Topic 1254
Click this button to select the display string for the page sub-title.
.Topic 1188
List of the keywords for the current picture.
The keywords attached to the picture are those selected.
.Topic 1425
Click this button to build the Display String for the picture information text.
.Topic 1017
Press this button to select the font used for displaying the comment at the bottom of the screen during the viewing of a picture
.Topic 1002
Original full file name of the current picture
.Topic 1340
Click this button to assign joystick button(s) to the selected command.
.Topic 1134
Press this button to select the color used as the background of the screen.
.Topic 1325
Use this slider to adjust the brightness of the pictures of the current album.
Set the slider to zero for no correction.
Note: This slider is disabled if your system doesn't support ICM 2.0 Color Management.
.Topic 1232
This field display the value of the display string.
You can either type text and macros in this field or select the macros in the list boxes below.
.Topic 1169
When checked, MyAlbum will launch the default Web browser with the newly generated HTML page so you can directly see the result.
.Topic 1085
When checked, the left mouse button is used to advance to the next picture during a slideshow
.Topic 1143
Click this button to select the pictures to add to your new album.
.Topic 1144
Click this button to select the folder to inspect.
Pictures in this folder will be added to your new album.
.Topic 1164
When selected, MyAlbum will use a built in file for the HTML background image. This image looks like a piece of 35mm film.
.Topic 1263
Click this button to save the script.
.Topic 1245
This list displays the macro pertaining to the album and the application.
.Topic 1433
Select in the list the picture area that will be linked to the current text area.
The corresponding picture area will flash briefly to show you which one will be used.
.Topic 1266
Click this button to select the display string for the page footer.
.Topic 1010
Total number of pictures of the album. Between parenthesis: Number of non hidden pictures.
.Topic 1224
Type in this field the string that will be used as the base for the new name.
.Topic 1018
The size of the picture is displayed at the bottom of the screen during the viewing of a picture.
Size = width, height, color depth and number of sub images (animated GIF for instance).
.Topic 1279
Press this button to select the display string used for printing the title of the page.
.Topic 1012
Initial display mode when viewing a picture or starting a slideshow.
-Normal: no zoom
-Stretch: fit to screen
-Zoom x2: enlarge by 2
-Zoom x3: enlarge by 3
-Zoom ╜: half size
-Smart: fit to screen, small pictures are zoom by 3
-Shrink: only pictures bigger than the screen are reduced to fit
-Enlarge: only pictures smaller than the screen are enlarged to fit
-Fit Horz: fit the picture using only its height
-Fit Vert: fit the picture using only its width
-Simple draw: picture is displayed without zoom and without erasing the background.
.Topic 1138
Press this button to select the text color of the comment pop-up window.
.Topic 1272
Click this button to close the script editor dialog box.
.Topic 1051
When selected, find the pictures that have at least one of the selected keywords
.Topic 1246
Click this button to test the display string currently edited.
.Topic 1283
This list displays the currently defined custom commands.
.Topic 1132
Click this button to select the text color of the thumbnails.
.Topic 1416
When checked, a title text area will be added to the generated standard layout.
.Topic 1058
Click this button to modify only the current picture
.Topic 1047
Size of the left margin in millimeters
.Topic 1392
Check this option to resize the pictures to exactly the specified dimension.
Colored borders will be added to fill the empty space.
.Topic 1213
Click this button to remove the selected MAX. It will not be loaded the next time MyAlbum will be started.
.Topic 1335
Click this button to define how the joystick buttons will be used during a slideshow.
.Topic 1431
Select in the list the horizontal alignment for the text inside the selected text area.
.Topic 1432
Select in the list the vertical alignment for the text inside the selected text area.
.Topic 1009
Delay in second between two pictures during an automatic slideshow
.Topic 1439
Enter in this field the physical height of the sheet layout.
Dimensions are expressed in millimeters or inches depending on the measure system selected in Windows.
.Topic 1035
Click this button to select the directory
.Topic 1243
Click this button to add the selected macro to the edit field.
The code of the macro will be inserted at the cursor position.
You can also double-click one macro to add it.
.Topic 1348
When checked, the application will use the DirectX DirectShow library (if it is installed) for playing the videos.
If some videos are not played with the option off, try with the option on.
Note: Frame copy is not possible with this option enabled.
.Topic 1007
Number of pictures in the current album
.Topic 1151
This field specifies the text to append or prepend to the thumbnails when saved to disk.
For instance if '_th' is specified, a picture named 'mypicture.jpg' will be saved as 'mypicture_th.jpg'.
.Topic 1452
If checked, the selected shape area will be filled, if not, only the outline will be drawn.
.Topic 1284
Click this button to create a new custom command (fill the description fields below first).
.Topic 1367
This drop-down list shows the Web sites where you can found the most recent version of MyAlbum.
.Topic 1343
When checked, the application will use the DirectX DirectDraw library (if it is installed).
DirectDraw improve the display speed on modern computers.
.Topic 1374
This list displays the items for the list custom field from which the user will choose from.
.Topic 1382
This field specifies the width of the thumbnail shadow on a contact sheet.
Set it to 0 to suppress the shadow.
.Topic 1393
Click this button to select the fill color.
.Topic 1116
Relative speed of the picture movement when panning with the joystick
.Topic 1091
Relative size of the pictures in multiple display mode
.Topic 1124
Adjust this slider to modify the maximum acceptable difference, that is the number of different pixels.
Picture that will score less than this value will be considered as similar to the reference picture.
.Topic 1331
When checked, pictures are dropped (in a drag'n drop operation) in the reverse order.
When unchecked, they are dropped in the normal album order.
.Topic 1210
This drop-down list shows the available types for the custom fields.
.Topic 1290
Select this option to associate a script file to the custom tool command.
.Topic 1363
Select in this list the alignment of the texts of the column.
.Topic 1174
When checked the (little) thumbnail pictures are used for printing the album or drawing the contact sheet. When unchecked, images are reloaded from their original file, producing a better (but slower) result.
.Topic 1175
Use this field to specify the compression level to use when saving JPEG file.
Valid values range from 0 (best compression, worse image quality) to 100 (low compression, best quality).
75 is the default.
.Topic 1086
When checked, the space bar is used to advance to the next picture during a slideshow
.Topic 1444
Click this button to set the margins to the minimal width supported by the current printer.
.Topic 1183
Type in this area the pathname where the picture is really located
.Topic 1427
Enter in this field the horizontal position of the selected area from the left border of the sheet.
Positions are expressed in millimeters or inches depending on the measure system selected in Windows.
.Topic 1287
Type in this field the title of the new custom command. This text will appear in the Tools menu.
.Topic 1152
Date of the picture file
.Topic 1345
When checked, the comment uses a gray shadow to improve readability.
.Topic 1250
When checked, the title of the page will be displayed using the specified display string.
.Topic 1370
When checked, the files located in the sub-folders of the export folder are included in the list.
.Topic 1201
When checked, the selected keyword works as a Tab.
The list of the tab keywords are displayed as buttons at the bottom of the screen where you can use then as filters.
.Topic 1424
Click this button to select the font and the color to be used for the page footer.
.Topic 1021
Search the album for pictures having the specified text in their filename
.Topic 1049
Size of the right margin in millimeters
.Topic 1296
When checked, the thumbnails are compressed when the album is saved.
The album file is smaller but the saving and loading are somewhat slower...
.Topic 1344
Enter in this field the name of a static picture that will be used for this picture area.
.Topic 1120
Reference picture for the similar picture searching.
.Topic 1146
Select this option to export the current album as HTML pages.
.Topic 1421
Click this button to build the Display String for the page title.
.Topic 1193
Click this button to select the shadow color of the contact sheets.
.Topic 1100
Number of pixels the picture is scrolled when the mouse wheel is used.
.Topic 1011
Date the album was created
.Topic 1014
Press this button to select the font used for the thumbnails.
.Topic 1216
This drop-down list shows the templates that can be used for speeding the creation of custom fields.
.Topic 1053
When selected, find the pictures that have all the selected keywords
.Topic 1436
When checked, the picture cropping information will be used for processing the picture. If not checked, the whole picture will be used.
.Topic 1328
Select this option to publish only the selected pictures of the album.
.Topic 1361
Use this field to define the Display String that will be used to fill the column.
.Topic 1098
Number of pixels the picture is moved when using the page keys (Page up and down, Home and End)
.Topic 1380
Type in this field the text for the list item.
.Topic 1420
When checked, a text area with information about the picture will be added to the generated standard layout for each picture area.
.Topic 1024
Size of a thumbnail in pixels
.Topic 1434
When checked, the pictures will fill completely the corresponding picture area.
The pictures will be cropped to fill the area so some part of the pictures will not be printed (borders).
.Topic 1258
Click this button to select the display string for the picture information.
.Topic 1320
Click this button to select the Display String used for the thumbnail caption.
.Topic 1322
Click this button to select the Display String used for the thumbnail tool tips.
.Topic 1417
When checked, a footer text area will be added to the generated standard layout.
.Topic 1256
When checked, the information about the picture will be displayed using the specified display string.
.Topic 1121
Gray scale pattern derived from the reference picture.
.Topic 1032
Press this button to rename the selected keyword
.Topic 1137
Press this button to select the background color of the comment pop-up window.
.Topic 1020
Checked if picture is hidden in the album.
Use this checkbox to hide or show a picture.
.Topic 1275
Enter in this field the scaling (%) to be applied to the pictures.
This parameter is used by the "Image list page" output type.
.Topic 1101
Select pictures that contain more than one sub-picture (animated GIF, multipage TIFF and video for instance)
.Topic 1262
Click this button to select the display string for the picture tool-tip.
.Topic 1166
Select this option to include only the first line of the picture's comment.
.Topic 1059
Click this button to modify all the selected pictures
.Topic 1366
Use this field to define how the dates and times appear in the application.
.Topic 1159
Select this option to include all the visible pictures of the album in the process.
.Topic 1177
When checked, the name of the album will be included in the HTML page or the contact sheet.
.Topic 1000
Size of the current picture file (width x height)
.Topic 1003
Comment describing the current picture
.Topic 1365
Click this button to create a new column using the specified characteristics.
.Topic 1023
Find pictures in the album having the specified keyword(s)
.Topic 1229
Find pictures in the album having the specified custom field value.
.Topic 1407
Find pictures in the album for which the specified VBScript expression will be evaluated as "True".
.Topic 1442
Type the VBScript expression that will be "True" for the matching pictures.
The "alb" and "pic" variables will point to the current album and the picture to check.
.Topic 1187
List of the keywords to search.
.Topic 1230
Select in this list the Custom Field to use for the search and type the value to look for.
Note: Only the selected Custom Field will be used.
.Topic 1178
When checked, the description of the album will be included in the HTML page or the contact sheet.
.Topic 1013
Date the album was last saved
.Topic 1314
Click this button to select the font and color of the text.
.Topic 1375
Click this button to add a new item to the list.
.Topic 1341
Click this button to clear the current button assignment.
.Topic 1061
This field shows the version number of MyAlbum.
Include it in any mail you may send to the MyAlbum support.
.Topic 1223
This field shows the language DLL currently in use.
.Topic 1067
This field shows various information about MyAlbum.
When looking for a new version of MyAlbum, the ReadMe.txt file of the new version
(if one is found) is displayed here.
.Topic 1383
This is a welcome message.
.Topic 1384
Click this button after having read the message to continue.
.Topic 1145
Select this option to create new albums without the help of the wizard.
.Topic 1460
This field is for entering a copyright notice or any information text that will be displayed
in the "About" box of the MyAlbum Viewer.
.Topic 1463
Select in this drop-down list the type of character encoding to be used with the HTML files.
.Topic 1464
Enter in this field the name of the sub-folder of the "Output folder" where the thumbnails will be saved.
.Topic 1369
Check this option so the "Two frame page" HTML template will display the full-sized
picture along with it's comment (in the right frame).
.Topic 1385
Use this field to define the Display String that will be used to take into account a new
value entered by the user in a cell. Leave this field empty for a read-only column or type
a mutable Display String to have an editable column (the texts will then be displayed in blue).
.Topic 1368
Click this button to build Display String that will be used when the
user has modified the cell value in the column.
.Topic 1466
Select the sorting method to use on this column.
.Topic 1472
Click this button to select the font used in the script editor. Note: the enhanced script editors
requires a mono-spaced font.
.Topic 1477
Click this button to select the text color of the script code.
.Topic 1478
Click this button to select the background color of the script editor window.
.Topic 1473
Click this button to select the color of the comments.
.Topic 1474
Click this button to select the color of the language keywords.
.Topic 1475
Click this button to select the color of the strings.
.Topic 1476
Click this button to select the color of the numbers.
.Topic 1467
Select this option to have the picture mirrored from left to right.
.Topic 1468
Select this option to have the picture flipped from top to bottom.